Must Know How To Do Hydro Jetting Service



When you have a clogged drain, you probably are only worried about getting it resolved quickly, regardless of the method used. This is why many homeowners rely on chemical drain cleaners to corrode clogs and quickly get the drains moving smoothly again.


Hydro jetting is a popular choice because it’s fast, effective and completely safe for your drains. Using a high-pressure water jet, technicians can quickly clear out years of hardened debris from your drains. The water jet is also powerful enough to smooth the inner texture of the pipe, which gets rid of any porous patches that form clogs. This prevents future clogs before they start.


Snaking refers to using a cable with an auger-like blade attachment to chew and digest simple clogs. The technician will insert the cable into the drain and feed it through until they feel resistance. When they feel resistance, that indicates the clog has been reached.


Snaking is best reserved for simple or one-off clogs. Emergency clogs are often cleared with snaking because it’s quick and efficient. Snaking is not ideal in situations where the drains are overly dirty or if there is an abundance of hardened clogs in the pipe. These circumstances are best suited for hydro jetting. Hydro jetting is also preferred when there is a recurring clog because the water jet works better at permanently repairing the situation


Many home plumbing repairs are safe to DIY with little to no experience. Unfortunately, hydro jetting is not one of those services. The high-pressure water jets are dangerous to use if you do not have the right experience or training.



Slow Draining Pipes

This may seem like a no-brainer, but homeowners often fail to recognize a growing problem because a drain might literally drain progressively slower over time. A slow draining pipe may be a localized plumbing problem or suggest a bigger issue.

Noisy Drain Pipes – Screeching, Hissing, Gurgling and Ticking

Your drain line should not sound like a horror movie. Sounds mean air in the system that shouldn’t be there. It’s not a rattlesnake in your home. These unusual sounds might be a clogged or blocked vent stack. The vent stack is an often forgotten component of a plumbing, sewer and drain system. It is a pipe that extends to the roof, from the sewer system, releasing noxious gases and keeping water pressure moving freely out to the sewer line

Bathroom or Kitchen Sink Drain Smells Bad

Bad smells generally mean something is not good. Sometimes it’s your teenager’s gym shoes. Sometimes you forgot to take out the trash. Sometimes it’s your plumbing. If you’re lucky, the problem is something as simple as an empty P-trap. The P-trap keeps a moisture barrier, preventing odor from coming backing into the home. Perhaps you were on vacation and the moisture in the trap evaporated in the summer heat

Water Bill Increases

Not likely related to your drains, but definitely a sign you have another plumbing problem, so we feel it’s necessary to tuck this in here… When it comes to potential plumbing issues, your water bill might be the first sign that something is wrong. You might not have funny noises or really notice any low water pressure or other symptoms. At least not yet. But, if your water bill is jumping up, it is probably a good time to have a licensed plumber come and do a plumbing inspection on your whole system, from point of use to the sewer line on the street

Old, Deteriorating Plumbing Pipes

Older homes for instance, near Heritage Park, are more likely to have problems with older, deteriorating pipes compared to newer communities like Carmel Valley. Your home has supply lines and drain lines. Sewed of PVC, copper, cast iron, brass or steel – or a combination of these. Most metal pipes have a life span of up to 80 years with brass and cast iron even going up to 100 years. PVC pipes max out at approximately 40 years, with many needing to be replaced 25-30 years in or sooner


Hydro Jetting Basics: How This High-Powered Option Cleans Sewer Pipes

What Does Hydro Jetting Mean?

Hydro jetting powerfully solves the most stubborn obstructions, efficiently and effectively eliminating all debris in the sewer lines and leaves them clean as new.

How Does Hydro Jetting Work?

The hydro jetting system consists of a large water tank, high pressure hose, high strength nozzle, and a pressurization unit. Together, they force water through drainage pipes at a high rate of pressure, typically between 3,500 and 4,000 psi.

Can Hydro Jetting Damage Pipes?

At Apollo Home, we perform a video camera evaluation before cleaning to determine the exact issue and pinpoint its location. This can be especially beneficial for larger roots which may require snaking or power rodding before cleaning.

What is Power Rodding?

For blockages deep in a drainage system, too far down for traditional remedies, power rodding is a powerful tool for licensed plumbers. Power rodding has been around longer than hydro jetting, and many professionals still use it.

Prevent Major Plumbing and Sewer Problems with the Apollo Care Plan

For homeowners in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, the Apollo Care Plan is a great investment. Membership includes seasonal tune ups of your heating and cooling equipment as well as annual evaluations of your electrical and plumbing systems.


An Introduction to Hydro Jetting


Hydro jetting uses a specialized hose and nozzle to shoot water through your pipes at a force of around 1500 psi on average (although that number can rise to 5000 psi), which is one reason you need a skilled plumber to do the job.


The plumber accesses your plumbing and sewer system via a cleanout, which is an opening specifically designed to grant easy access to the system. He or she then inserts the camera, passing it through the pipes to determine the location and severity of the blockage (or blockages). The camera also measures distance, allowing effective placement of the nozzle.


Hydro jetting is one of the safest, most effective means of clearing blockages from your plumbing and sewer systems. Compared to mechanical drain cleaners, the risk of damage is much lower, particularly for older pipes. And, it cleans pipes much more thoroughly while dramatically reducing the chances of reoccurrence


Hydro jetting is safe and effective when performed by an experienced plumber. In the hands of a novice, though, the likelihood of complications increases dramatically, particularly when the blockage is the result of tree roots.


All About Hydro-Jetting and Why You Need It

What is Hydro Jetting?

If you’ve lived in your home for a while and noticed clogs keep recurring, it’s a sign. Hydro jetting can help. If you’re not sure what that is, hydro jetting is the method of using a high-pressure stream of water to clean the inside surfaces of plumbing pipes

Why Should You Hydrojet?

Whether you’ve built a new home, are buying an existing home, or have lived in your house for years, your sewer drain needs to be cleaned from time to time. Otherwise, you could be in for a costly wake-up call in the form of a broken line. A compromised line caused by toilet paper and waste solids creating a dam and backing up into the house is also a possibility

Very Effective

You can handle a minor clog with a plumbing snake, but for a severe clog, it is too much. With hydro-jetting, there isn’t a clog that can withstand the force of that powerful blast of water. It completely opens the line, clearing all the debris and buildup, and scouring the inside of the pipe clean.

Cost Savings

Of course, hydro-jetting will cost a little more than your regular drain cleaning services. Yet, in the long term, it will save you money. This method clears the entire pipe, eliminating problems for years into the future, and that saves you time and money without a doubt


Sanitation is crucial in every home. With traditional cleaning techniques, there is a possibility that debris and sewage will invade and affect your home. With hydro-jetting, that prospect is brought down to zero. The speed and efficiency of this method will prevent any possible contamination

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Must Learn How To Take Care Pain Management

The Medications And Therapy Used In A Pain Management Clinic

Pain Clinics – What Are They & What Do They Do?

Typically, a pain clinic is a location where doctors offer solutions to intractable pain. Conditions that generally respond well to pain clinic services are arthritis, back pain, and cancer. In addition, migraine headaches, shingles pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome pain frequently respond favorably to pain clinic treatments. Many primary care doctors refer their patients to pain clinics when they have exhausted other methods of pain relief.

Generally, pain management that is offered at a pain clinic include a combination of therapies. These treatments include medications, physical therapy, and nerve blocks. In addition, massage therapy is often an effective treatment for pain relief, swelling and stress. Not only does the pain clinic treat acute pain, it also performs diagnostic services to determine where the pain is originating.



There are two main types of pain clinics. 

Interdisciplinary Clinics: Are one-stop shops where a team of health professionals works together to help patients by using a variety of evidence-based approaches. Programs that utilize an interdisciplinary approach are best, says Clauw, and may include physical and occupational therapists, psychologists, dietitians, nurses, doctors and other healthcare providers.

Block Clinics: Offer procedures such as injections and nerve blocks. These procedures are usually performed by an anesthesiologist, most often for specific problems such as low back or neck pain. But unless your doctor refers you to this type of provider, Clauw advises against block clinics.


How is chronic pain treated?

Although no single cure is available for chronic pain, there are many ways to treat and manage it. The first step should be to treat any underlying conditions that may cause pain. These treatment methods will vary according to the specific disease or medical condition. The treatment also will depend on the type of chronic pain involved.

Non-drug treatments for chronic pain

  • Exercise: Light to moderate exercise may help improve blood and oxygen flow to muscles and reduce stress. It may be especially helpful for people with low back pain, arthritis, psychogenic pain, and many others.
  • Heat and/or cold application: Applying heat and/or cold regularly to a sore area via a safe mechanism (such as hot or cold packs that have temperature limits built in to prevent burning or freezing skin) can be very effective for treating many types of pain.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture done by a trained therapist can provide relief for all types of chronic pain.
  • Massage: Massage therapy has been shown to be effective for muscle and mechanical pain and may be useful for other kinds of chronic pain as well.
  • Spinal cord stimulation: Electrodes are placed inside the epidural part of the spinal cord. The patient can send electrical pulses to the spinal cord using an implanted electrical pulse generator. The electrical impulses interrupt the pain signal to the brain providing relief.
  • Deep brain stimulation: This technique is only used to treat chronic pain in cases that do not respond to more conservative treatment. It requires surgical stimulation of areas of the brain, usually the motor cortex or thalamus.



Taking opioids in the way that they have been prescribed by your doctor for the treatment of chronic pain is associated with a very low risk of becoming addicted to those opioids. There are some predisposing factors to opioid addiction. These include having a history or a family history of substance abuse or of certain psychiatric illnesses. The following are definitions for addiction, tolerance, and physical dependence according to the American Pain Society:

  • Addiction has a genetic basis in addition to a psychological aspect to the behavior. Addiction is associated with a craving for the abused substance (such as an opioid), and continued, compulsive use of that substance despite harm to the person using the substance. In addition to having a genetic predisposition, there may be an environmental influence affecting both the development and manifestation of the additive behavior.
  • Tolerance occurs after prolonged exposure to a drug. The effects of that drug results in progressive decrease in its effectiveness.
  • Physical Dependence is usually seen in the form of drug withdrawal after the drug has been abruptly stopped or rapidly reduced. It can also be seen when an opioid antagonist is given to someone who is taking an opioid. It is a state of adaptation. Withdrawal symptoms last from approximately 6 to a peak of 24 to 72 hours after the drug has been withdrawn. Some of the symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sweating, abdominal pain or diarrhea and can occur after taking the opioid for as short a period as 2 weeks. It is not a sign of addiction.

If you are prescribed opioids by your doctor, you are to take the opioids as they have been prescribed. If your pain continues despite taking the opioid, it is inadvisable to take more opioid than prescribed without first seeking the advice of your doctor. Taking a long-acting opioid a few times per day is less likely to give the sensation of euphoria that may be associated with some short acting opioids. Long-acting opioids are not meant to be taken on an “as needed” basis and should be taken whether or not you have pain and should not be taken more frequently than prescribed by your doctor. Constipation is one of the more frequently seen side effects of chronic opioid use, remedies, such as stool softeners and stimulants, are available.


Reduce stress in your life. Stress intensifies chronic pain.

Negative feelings like depression, anxiety, stress, and anger can increase the body’s sensitivity to pain. By learning to take control of stress, you may find some relief from chronic pain.

Several techniques can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Listening to soothing, calming music can lift your mood — and make living with chronic pain more bearable. There are even specially designed relaxation tapes or CDs for this. Mental imagery relaxation (also called guided imagery) is a form of mental escape that can help you feel peaceful. It involves creating calming, peaceful images in your mind. Progressive muscle relaxation is another technique that promotes relaxation.

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Trick To Use Payroll Service For Your Company

Using an Online Payroll Service

Advantages of Using Online Payroll Services

Managing payroll with online payroll services can have several advantages over managing payroll in-house. Many companies have already made the switch, along with a shift to other online HR management tools. If you are considering a move from manual systems to online payroll systems, the following potential benefits may help influence your decision.

Increased Efficiency

Manual payroll systems generally require at least one person to export or manually calculate time and attendance information, calculate tax and benefit withholdings, draw up paychecks, and file forms with the IRS. This process can take several hours and must be completed every pay period. Typically, online payroll services perform these tasks automatically or with approval that simply requires a couple seconds of your time and few clicks.

Improved Labor Management

Since online payroll systems handle most of payroll’s time-consuming tasks, making the switch can help free up labor hours. If hours of an employee or department’s time were allotted to manage payroll, those hours can now be spent on other tasks – potentially revenue-bearing ones. Making the switch may also allow a company to eliminate a position altogether.

Decreased Potential for Errors

Automating payroll helps mitigate the potential for human error. Any time manual calculations must be done or information is keyed in, mistakes can be made that can cause employee discontent. This causes a loss of money for the company, or compliance issues. Streamlining payroll systems to export time and attendance information, automatically calculating withholdings, and drawing up paychecks with just a few clicks can prevent these errors.

Employee Access to Data

Most online payroll services allow employees and managers to access historical and current payroll data using mobile devices and defined login information. Having access to this information can improve employee satisfaction, while also saving human resources professionals’ time. Allowing managers to access payroll using mobile devices at any time establishes another way to review information, creating an additional error prevention check point.

Simplifies Compliance

It’s estimated that as many as 25 percent of companies pay penalties to the IRS every year, due to compliance errors. These errors are not intentional; most of them stem from the changing nature of regulations. The mandatory amount of time and effort required to keep all payroll employees up-to-date also inhibits matters.


The Key Benefits of Choosing the Best Small-Business Payroll Software

An owner may be able to simply pay a group of people consistently, but it’s often more difficult to also keep track of the right paperwork, pull reports, or handle special circumstances. As a result, for medium-sized businesses, it’s often one person’s dedicated job to take care of payroll or several people’s part-time job. For small businesses, it’s still very time-consuming, and owners struggle to keep up. Regardless of what they are using online payroll services for, small-business owners can also enjoy the following benefits as a result:

  1. You can save money by reducing data entry errors and sometimes avoiding large mistakes.
  2. You can save time, allowing you to focus your energy on core competencies and ignore the tricky business of conducting bookkeeping duties yourself.
  3. You can increase visibility for employees, as they’ll often be able to log in and view their account information, reducing any awkward, uncomfortable, or accusatory conversations.
  4. You can reduce the need to train or maintain payroll-related employees, reducing costs further and allowing HR professionals to focus on other important duties.
  5. You can ensure that tax information is consistent and accurate and have the information at hand rather than needing to calculate based on lists.


Is payroll easy to manage yourself?     

Typically, it’s not. It must be compliant with local, state and federal laws that are subject to change.

If your company has employees in more than one city or state, payroll may become complicated. For instance, if your employee lives in one state and works in another, where do you report their income?

Local income taxes and fees may also be surprising. Did you know some cities charge employees a flat fee for every week they work?

Quality payroll services stay current with local, state and federal laws.

If you don’t work as an accountant, it doesn’t make sense to try to learn every aspect of payroll law. Focus on building your own business and choose a payroll-service firm right for you. Be confident every time you run payroll.

How do you choose a payroll service?

  • Assess your payroll needs
  • Review available payroll-service offerings
  • Check the references of your top three choices


Cloud-Based Payroll Computing for Your Business

Businesses have become more environmentally aware and it has become increasingly common for a company to implement policies and practices for reducing carbon footprints and excess waste. Opting for a cloud-based payroll computing solution provides a “green” approach to a cost-effective and efficient payroll process.

Among other benefits, online payroll software greatly reduces paper usage, saves you money, and helps retain our natural resources for future generations.

In addition, more employees are taking advantage of direct deposit of their payroll checks. Online payroll software simplifies this process and, as a result, there is rarely any need for paper checks except in the case of special circumstances.  An added convenience of using direct deposit is that employees no longer need to leave the office during work hours to deposit their checks and reduced driving time, as well.

By using an expert online payroll service provider, setting up your payroll online is quick and easy. In addition, the advantages provide benefits for both the employer and employees.


How Secure Are Online Payroll Services?

The increased threat of data breaches continues to push companies — leading online payroll providers — to invest in the most advanced security tools to store and protect client information. This includes:

  • State-of-the art encryption systems (to save password-protected files in encrypted form)
  • Redundant backup systems (duplicating key functions to increase reliability)
  • Multiple server locations (storing the same information in more than one place as backup)
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Tips To Do Self Home Remodelling

Hiring a Home Remodeler for Home Repair

Put simply, hiring the right home remodeler is a big deal. It’s a decision you want to get right.

With an eye toward experience, professionalism, and expertise, let’s explore the nuts and bolts of choosing a home remodeling contractor. Finding the right remodelers probably won’t be an easy decision, and that’s okay. You should challenge yourself to identify the best talent with the greatest likelihood of success. By the time you arrive at a hiring decision, you should feel confident that the team you selected will either meet or exceed your expectations.

Determine What Type of Remodeler You Need

  • Design/build contractors: These firms provide an all-in-one remodeling package. Teams consist of designers and/or architects, consultants, and builders, all of whom you can hire at once. Design/build contractors handle all sorts of projects, large and small, and some may specialize in kitchens, bathrooms, or another type of remodeling.
  • Architects: Big remodeling projects – as in “reinventing your house” big – require precise construction drawings for contracts and permits. In these cases, it’s often best to hire an architect with remodeling experience. Though trained in design theory, the architect’s primary role is to ensure structural soundness and efficient use of space.
  • Designers: Whereas an architect is concerned with spatial constraints, structural issues, and building compliance, a designer’s job is to create beautiful, inviting interior conditions. Colors, shapes, styles, lighting… these are the designers’ chief concerns. Designers often specialize (think kitchen, bathroom, or living area designers), so take that into account before beginning your search.
  • General contractors: While general contractors usually focus on materials and methods (i.e. building), experienced practitioners can often eliminate the need to hire additional help. The more straightforward your requirements, the more likely it is that a contractor can take care of everything – no architect or designer required. General contractors can also join the remodeling effort after you approve a floor plan or design created by someone else.


Connect with your contractor

The right person for the job will be easy to talk to. Make sure you see eye to eye by hiring a contractor that understands your goals and has experience in the type of job you are looking for. Communication is key for all projects, so insist on regular contact by email, phone or text messages. Allow the work crew to manage their day-to-day work, but set up a weekly face-to-face update from the foreman.

Understand that price reflects quality

Ask your contractor for his or her recommendations on how the project should take place. In the long run, is it worth cutting corners for a temporary fix? The lowest bid is not always the best. Request a written description of the materials necessary for the job. A low bid may indicate that a contractor uses sub-par materials or is desperate for work. The more accurate bid is likely somewhere in the middle.


Ask for licensing and certification

At this point, your list should have around six to eight names. One easy way to narrow it further is to ask for contractors’ licensing and certification. The specific licenses or certifications your home improvement contractor should carry will depend on the project. Since legal requirements vary by state, call the licensing division for your community to ask for specific requirements.

In addition to making sure contractors have the correct licenses and certification to complete the job safely and legally, make sure anyone on your list has liability insurance in case they damage your home. The contractor and any other workers should also be covered by worker’s compensation. Ask for a copy of their insurance policies and check that they’re up to date.

Cross any contractors off your list who don’t have the right credentials. I also recommend marking off names of anyone who is hesitant or takes too long to get this information to you.


Hire a Trustworthy Remodeling Company Today

Do your research, call around, and find the remodeling company that suits your needs going forward. When it comes to changing up the look and aesthetic of your home, there is no room to cut corners. Invest in the care you deserve from the very start. Hire the right remodeling contractor today.


Make Plans, Get Bids

You have your short list of contractors whose track records seem clean and whose work ethic looks responsible. Now it’s time to stop looking back at past work and start looking forward to your project. A conscientious contractor will want not only a complete set of blueprints but also a sense of what homeowners want out of a project and what they plan to spend. To compare bids, ask everyone to break down the cost of materials, labor, profit margins and other expenses. Generally materials account for 40 percent of the total cost; the rest covers overhead and the typical profit margin, which is 15 to 20 percent.

Don’t Let Price Be Your Guide

Throw out the lowball bid,  This contractor is probably cutting corners or, worse, desperate for work”—hardly an encouraging sign in a healthy economy. Beyond technical competence, comfort should play an equal or greater role in your decision. The single most important factor in choosing a contractor is how well you and he communicate. All things being equal, it’s better to spend more and get someone you’re comfortable with when hiring a contractor.

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Preparing Before Doing Packing Services

What are the benefits of  professional packing services?

Anyone who has ever moved (especially long distance) knows how important proper packing is to the overall success of a move. Most people start out trying to carefully pack their valuable belongings but as the move draws closer most people start taking shortcuts. Packing becomes more haphazard within a couple of days of a move. With most people making money on the sale of their home it makes sense to set some of your moving budget aside to hire professional packers  to perform the packing job.

Professional packing is a skill acquired through training and experience. Like a lot of chores with physical demands, doing something regularly means you eventually do it much better than an amateur who doesn’t pack for a move very often. Most people don’t move every year and packing is time consuming and hard work. There are several advantages to having professional packers.


Save Time During Your Move

When moving, you are thinking about many things that must be accomplished to ensure a smooth move. Packing is a stressful, boring and annoying job that not all of us are willing to do. Brown Box Movers can free you of some moving burdens such as acquiring boxes and packing up every room in your house including the kitchen, bathroom and attic.

Packing Expertise

Packing services ensure that all items regardless of their fragility are packed safely and securely. services  packers also have immediate access to high quality packaging materials that you may not even consider when deciding to do the packing or not. Hiring packing services is the most important decision you’ll make when moving.


Experience and familiarity with packing materials and procedures

You will have peace-of-mind knowing that your personal effects are carefully protected using our specialised packaging materials secured in sturdy purpose-designed cartons.  highly trained professional packer will arrive at a designated time with all the appropriate packing materials and get the job done efficiently, in a minimum of time. yhey know what problems commonly arise and how to pack and transport effectively to minimise these during your move. Using a professional packer can also reduce the number of boxes used, meaning less boxes to be unpacked upon arrival to your new home and more time for you!


Professional packers will use the right equipment

If you live on a third or fourth-floor packing and moving all those belongings can be a pretty big hassle. Especially if you have some furniture that needs to be disassembled or maybe some appliances. You can find professional packing services that offer this as well. They can disassemble all of your furniture, appliances and pack them for you. And the best thing is that you can hire them to unpack you as well. Professional packers will come to your home prepared – they will have all the equipment needed to pack all of your belongings. And the good side is that once they are done unpacking, you will be able to handle your leftover packing materials. You can do some DIY projects to give them away – the choice is yours.

All of your boxes will be sorted properly

When it comes to moving, it is common that boxes get misplaced. Maybe you labeled some box wrong and it ended up in the garage instead of the bedroom. By hiring professional packers – you are avoiding that. Your belongings will be sorted correctly once they arrive in your new home. The only thing you can consider, you can pack all of your valuable items by yourself and you can keep that box with you during the relocation. The choice is yours!


Heavy Stuff Goes On the Bottom

Packing is an art. There’s a process, and a proper order.

Heavy stuff on the bottom, light items on top.

It’s exactly like bagging your groceries. You don’t want to crush your light items, and the heavy items will help hold the boxes rightside up.

Have a Stack of Newsprint On Hand

Newsprint is great for wrapping around your breakables.

It adds an extra barrier, and when coupled with the right packing materials, it’s super handy.

When you get your newsprint, make sure it’s easily accessible in your packing zone.

Put Small Items in Small Bags Before You Pack

Every homeowner has some really small items you’d lose if they weren’t kept in another larger container. I.e. pencils, paper clips, or screws.

If you have teeny-tiny items to bring with you, group them together and put them in small sealable bags first. By pre-packing them, they’ll be easy to find when you’re unpacking.

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Make A Good Looking Kitchen Faucet

Top Tips to find the perfect Kitchen Faucets for your Home

Two-Handle Kitchen Faucets

And for those looking for the ultimate in terms of a classic kitchen faucet, a two-handle design is likely the best choice. Whilst unable to match up to its counterparts for speed and efficiency, the reliability and attractive design of these faucet types provides balance against those negatives. Again, two-handle kitchen faucets aren’t restricted to areas with traditional decor; they are increasingly available in an array of attractive modern designs with many different handle types that are both stylish and simple to use.

Single-Handle Kitchen Faucets

If you’re looking to maximize space in your kitchen sink area, and thus limit the amount of kitchen faucet parts present, then a single-handle faucet could well be your preferred option – their design allows for both water temperature and volume to be controlled by a single lever. Representing one of the first widespread modern faucet advancements, these kind of kitchen faucets offer simple functionality and minimalistic, stylish aesthetics. They’re also widely available in an impressive variety of contemporary and traditional designs.

Pull-Down & Pull-Out Spray Kitchen Faucets

Perhaps the most convenient options for the preparation of meals and for cleaning up after the fact, pull-down and pull-out kitchen faucets incorporate a separate spray feature which distinguishes them from traditional faucets. Between the two types, pull-down faucets tend to offer a higher spout and greater flexibility in terms of flow; spray, stream and a flow pause are delivered by different pull-down faucets, with controls in-built into the spray attachments for ease of use. By contrast, one of the biggest criticisms of pull-downs is their more complicated profile in comparison with a standard faucet – they need to accommodate a flexible hose and hold the spray head securely in place when not in use. That said, manufacturers have more recently accounted for these factors, with pull-down faucets now usually designed to avoid the issue of slipping shower heads.

Touch Control Kitchen Faucets

The very most contemporary type of kitchen faucet, those incorporating touch technology, are ever growing in popularity. These styles of faucets offer easy usability, operational via a simple touch to switch them on and off, with most designs including an LED light to indicate their status. At the forefront of innovation, you can find a wall mount kitchen faucet with touch technology as well as standard freestanding designs. And whilst both kinds are currently available at relatively premium prices, they can prove a good long-term investment, given that they greatly conserve water by activating flow only when absolutely necessary. Touch control kitchen faucets are typically simple to install, and as they usually work on battery power, can be added without the need for an electrician.

Selecting a Kitchen Faucet with the right functionality

When looking at how to replace a kitchen faucet, or at simply investing in a brand new component, many people will initially base their search purely on looks. But whilst appearance is undoubtedly an important element, what good is your faucet if it doesn’t have the correct functionality to operate to full effect in your kitchen? First and foremost then, you should think about the specific features and functions of your prospective kitchen faucets to ensure they match up with your specific preferences and requirements.


How to Choose the Right Faucet for your Kitchen

Designing and remodeling kitchens can be one of the most rewarding and trying home projects you’ll take on. From paint colors to countertops and cabinetry, there are choices to be made at every turn. Finding the right faucet for your kitchen is no different, and with so many styles to choose from, we’ve created an easy guide to help you narrow down the best faucet for your design. Read on for tips to find the best faucet for your style, budget, and performance needs.

Installation Types: 1-4 Faucet-Hole Installs

Deck-Mounted Faucets (faucets mounted on the sink) are a popular choice for those who love options and lower costs. These mounts are generally easier to install and offer more features and styles. Many sinks come with 1-4 pre-drilled mounting holes, and most deck-mounted faucets come with decorative deck plates (escutcheon plates) that will cover any hole you don’t need, allowing you the option for double-handled or single-handled sinks with or without built-in soap dispensers and sprayers. Before you begin choosing the right faucet, it’s important to check the plumbing on your current sink and count the pre-drilled holes it has.

Single-Hole Installation: For those who appreciate clean lines and spacious countertops, single-hole installations offer the convenience of a faucet that takes up the least amount of space. These fixtures are an all-in-one faucet that come with a single handle for water adjustment and the option of an attached, pull-out sprayer.

Three-Hole Installation: Three-hole faucet mounts come with two primary options: a single-handled faucet with accompanying side sprayer, or a two-handled faucet. Both of these options make a more prominent design statement with a larger fixture to catch the eye. These faucet styles have maintained their popularity over the decades, and when keeping costs in check, many homeowners choose to upgrade their faucet with a fixture that uses the already-existing holes.


How to Choose the Perfect Kitchen Faucet for Your Kitchen?

Buying Considerations

Going head first into buying a kitchen faucet can be a costly venture for the unprepared. Beyond the pitfalls that could lead to you calling in a plumber, is getting it installed only to see it’s not really what you want. The kitchen faucet decision should be treated with care since you’re dropping so much on one item. Every kitchen has its own little theme so tailoring your wants and needs to a specific type is vital in the search, as what your neighbor has may be completely different than what you need. Below are some of the main considerations when looking for a kitchen faucet that you can use efficiently. After reading the 5 sections you should have a better overall idea of what it is that would work best in your kitchen, and you may even get some ideas for some of your friends. Don’t be afraid to spread the word or even do some Christmas shopping! There is always someone that could use a great kitchen faucet.

How to Install Faucet?

Install FaucetTake a good look at the area that you will be installing your new kitchen faucet into. Is there a faucet already there that needs to be replaced? Is this a completely new build that doesn’t have the hoses in place? And do you have a specific theme?

What Type of Sink Do You Have?

This may come as a surprise to some people, but there is a variety of kitchen sink types other than stainless steel. Stainless steel makes up the bulk of the industry and is clearly the leader. It is installed in more homes than all the other sink types combined, a statistic that won’t be changing anytime soon.

What Design Does Your Kitchen Sink Suit?

The design of a kitchen faucet will come into play when deciding if you are comfortable with the two lever or single lever system. As a reference, the two lever system is considered to be dying out, as the advantages of having it have been trimmed down to simply being able to use if one of the handles go out.

What Styles Should Prefer?

This is one of a more pleasing parts of choosing a kitchen faucet when it becomes all about matching it with your décor. Starting with modern, this is the style that has been most associated with the kitchen faucets that use motion detection. In a kitchen that ha all of the bells and whistles, why skip the kitchen faucet? The transitional style has a blend of both modern and traditional aesthetics, making up for the lack of technology with some of the most standout finishes available. Transitional styles usually have the most prominent finishes. Traditional isn’t as bland as it sounds and gets its inspirations from a lot of European kitchens in style.


How to Pick a New Kitchen Faucet

Mounting Styles

Sink-mounted faucets. There are many different kitchen faucet and sink designs, but they are not always compatible. If you are working with an existing sink, check how many mounting holes it has. New faucets come in one-, two-, three- or four-hole varieties.

Deck-mounted faucets. With these the faucet mounts directly to the countertop and not the sink. If you are installing an undermount sink, you have the option of mounting the faucet directly on the countertop. When installing a deck-mounted faucet, make sure to allow more than a finger’s width behind the faucet for cleaning.

Handle Options

Single-handled faucets. A single-handled faucet rotates directionally, usually providing the ability to regulate flow with an up-and-down motion and temperature with a side-to-side motion.

Double-handled faucets. These usually require a minimum of three holes for installation. The wide variety of handle options makes this kitchen faucet design more customizable.

Materials and Finishes

Chrome, nickel, brushed nickel, polished brass, oil-rubbed bronze, white, black and stainless steel are some of the standard finishes and colors. Keep in mind that finishes from different manufacturers may not be exactly the same. It is a good idea if you are planning to buy a faucet to purchase any accessories such as a hand spray or soap dispenser from the same collection to ensure a good match.



To find the perfect kitchen faucet, tap into the details

Though their most practical application is to provide hot and cold water, kitchen faucets play a large role in a kitchen’s design. There are so many to choose from. The styles and costs vary wildly. Simply put, one faucet does not fit all!

Though investing in a kitchen faucet may seem overwhelming. The right information makes it much easier. Here are some practical how-tos for you to consider while buying a new kitchen faucet.

What materials are kitchen faucets made of?

Typically faucets are made of products that avoid corrosion. Brass and stainless steel are most common, but less expensive models are also made of a zinc alloy. Faucet finishes these days are unlikely to flake or tarnish and commonly come in brass, nickel, pewter, gold. The sky is really the limit though. Titanium and epoxy coatings will maintain the finish even longer.

Which faucet material is the most robust?

Brass is by far the best material to invest in. Ideally, both the body and the controls of the faucet should be made of brass.

Which faucet finish is the easiest to keep clean?

Brass, nickel and pewter most readily hide fingerprints and smudges. Chrome is the most difficult to keep visibly clean.

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Consultation With Event Planner To Make Your Event Goes Well

What Exactly Does an Event Planner Do? You’d Be Surprised

What exactly does an event planner do?

It’s an event planner’s job to ensure everything related to an event is taken care of, from idea conception to programming and day-of logistics. An event planner is charged with creating experiences and bringing visions to life, which means stirring multiple pots.

Meeting with clients, scouting locations, soliciting bids, managing vendor relationships and client communications, establishing and negotiating contracts, and managing budgets are all part of the drill, as are setting and managing clients’ and vendors’ expectations. It’s not always for the faint of heart


Some Desirable Characteristics Of An Event Planner Include:

  1. Communication

Good communication is necessary to convince a prospective client to hire you. Both verbal and writing skills are of utmost importance to enable you to successfully get that client. Good writing skills come in handy for writing a proposal, as well as a good command of English to enable you to convey to your client why you are the right person for the job.

  1. Financial Management

This has to do with creating the event to be in line with your client’s budget while taking care to ensure that the client is satisfied with your services. You have to be able to do the math as an event planner and work within the budget.

  1. Negotiation Skills

This has to do with the ability to “cut-a-deal” while taking into consideration the client’s needs as regards the details. Working with many suppliers will make it necessary for you to be on top of your game when it comes to reaching a compromise that will make everyone happy.

  1. Decision-Making Skills

For an event planner there are no ifs, buts or maybes, it’s either a strong yes or no. You have to be sure that you know, and are ready to make decisions which will give the event that spectacular effect according to the client’s taste.

  1. Leadership

As an event planner, relationships with people are key. You will be working with people on your team, individual suppliers and others. You have to know how to make people enjoy working with you, thus you need to know how to relate with people on various levels. As a leader you have to inspire your team to put in their best by setting a good example so as to bring out the best in your team.

  1. Organizational Skills

Events are all about getting things done the right way (detail-wise), and at the right time (which of course is before the event), and for this to happen you have to be on your “A-game” when it comes to organizing. This can only be possible if you are really good at prioritizing your workload efficiently to ensure that at the end of the


The purpose of your event

Why are you holding an event? You’d be surprised how many people think an event is a wonderful idea but when pressed on what the purpose of the event is, or its overall goal, they are unable to clearly articulate its objective. You want to make certain there is a clear mission and business reason to hold an event — a celebration for a new facility, a fundraising event with a clear financial goal behind it, a new product launch to share with customers — lacking a defined objective, your event can be a costly effort without the power to attract attendees or further your mission.


They’re good under pressure

Event planners are great at keeping calm under pressure. In stressful situations, they are able to find a solution and stay level-headed, no matter what. Since they’re used to people coming to them for answers, they’re able to think quick on their feet.


What Should You Do About The Contract?

Now, if your business – like most – is hiring an event planner on a contractual basis, then there’s a good chance you’ll be given a few papers to sign.

See, most event management firms have clients sign some sort of contract before they agree to work with them (and you should take it as a red flag if the planner or firm you’re hiring doesn’t have one). Pay close attention to whatever you’re being made to sign, and make absolutely certain that you read the fine print. Seek out a legal professional to go over the details with you – the event planner in question likely won’t take offense unless they’re trying to pull a fast one on you.

While you’re at it, make sure you’ve a clear concept of all the fees and terms of your working relationship with your event planner up front. Nothing makes a partnership go sour faster than having to pay a fee you weren’t aware of, or finding out a huge percentage of the profits will be siphoned away from your business. It’s all about due diligence here, really.

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Using Vinly Flooring Will Make Your Family Room More Beautiful

The Types of Vinyl Floors – All That You Need to Know

Like most flooring, the vinyl flooring comes in different shapes and sizes. The vinyl flooring comes in different kinds of vinyl sheet flooring, vinyl tile flooring, and vinyl plank flooring.

  1. The vinyl sheet flooring – The vinyl sheet flooring is most suited or ideal for moisture-prone areas like bathrooms or mudrooms. Unlike the other flooring, the vinyl sheet flooring is expensive but is usually 6 to 12 feet, which makes it nearly seamless for vinyl installation at homes.
  1. The vinyl plank flooring – vinyl plank flooring is very demanding almost for all house owners, as it has a great added and return value due to its durability and dirt resistant nature.  Vinyl plank flooring imitates the look of hardwood . Vinyl plank flooring is relatively less expensive and the vinyl installation is so easy that vinyl plank floor can be installed directly above the sub floor.
  1. The vinyl tile flooring – The vinyl tile flooring gives a look similar like that of marble or other classically tiled flooring. This type of vinyl installation is relatively easy and gives an attractive look to the new room.


Type of Vinyl

With new advances in the vinyl industry, there are several types of vinyl floors that will impact your decision when it comes to thickness and durability. There are basic LVT’s and there are new, engineered vinyls. Floors with an engineered rigid core construction will have a more dimensionally stable core than a standard LVT.

With the rigid core constructions, you can find floors from 4mm to 8mm+. Although a rigid core vinyl may be 4mm, it will have a solid construction, which differs from the bendable LVT. When it comes to a rigid core vinyl, thickness isn’t as much of a factor, since the core is constructed with durability in mind.

  • Type of Subfloor

Your subfloor is also a very important part of choosing the thickness as well. If you have an even concrete subfloor, you can get a thinner vinyl flooring. This is because your subfloor is sturdy enough that you don’t need the extra support. However, if you subfloor is a thin, creaking hardwood, you should opt for the thicker vinyl for added stability and support.

  • Vinyl Flooring Wear Layer

The durability of vinyl plank flooring is determined by the wear layer. When shopping for vinyl plank flooring, pay also attention to the wear layer. Just like the thickness, the thicker the wear layer, the more durable the floor will be. Make sure to choose features of the flooring that’s right for you and your application, using the same questions posed above.

The wear layer is the protective coating on top of the decorative layer of the vinyl flooring. The most popular is a urethane-based layer that protects the floor against scratches, stains, and scuff marks. The wear layer keeps the original look of the floor longer, providing a maintenance-free finish.


Styles of Vinyl Planks

Wood-Look Vinyl Planks

So you want vinyl planks that look like wood. Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of options. Everyone wants the look of wood, without having to deal with the finicky nature of real wood.

Best yet, we have wood-look flooring that hits all the modern trends. Do you want gray floors? We got that. Do you want textured floors? We got that too. Dark wood or light wood? I think you know the answer.

Wood-look vinyl planks come in all the colors and finishes as real hardwood floors. If there’s a look you want, you’ll definitely find it

Stone-Look Vinyl Planks

Most people get stone-look flooring in tile format, but as ceramic plank flooring becomes more popular, I’m guessing we’ll be seeing more vinyl stone-look planks come into play.

Concrete, travertine, and slate are very popular when it comes to stone-look vinyl planks. Guess what? We totally have those looks too. Vinyl planks have a lot of those looks, in fact. From a light beige travertine to a dark gray slate, we got your stone-looks covered.


Vinyl Finishes

There are 3 types of finishes for vinyl flooring, all of which provide a beautiful end result.

  • Vinyl no-wax finish: This is the lightest type and is great for areas with light foot traffic and minimal exposure to dirt and moisture
  • Urethane finish: More durable, this finish is heavier and can stand up to moderate foot traffic and is also resistant to scuffing and easy to clean
  • Enhanced urethane finish: This is the toughest available and can accommodate the heaviest foot traffic, is highly resistant to scratches and stains, and enjoys a lasting luster without constant care


Vinyl Tiles and Planks – Super Easy to Install

If the idea of putting a huge roll of vinyl sheet into place seems a little daunting, then a better option might be to go for some luxury vinyl tiles or planks. Don’t be put off by the word ‘luxury’ you can still find some price friendly products.

Again, the technology has come a long way with these products, and you’re now able to get some very good looking vinyl tiles that are made to resemble real encaustic cement, porcelain or stone tiles for a fraction of the price!

Plus, you can make things super simple with the click-lock or peel and stick versions – easy to install, even for the novice DIYer, making your flooring project even cheaper.

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Make Sure Doing Electrical Upgrades For Your Safety

Tips And Tricks For Upgrading Your Home Electrical System

The electricity requirements of electrical devices and appliances have changed considerably over the period of time. However, it is a fact that the electrical infrastructures of most of the homes have not been upgraded yet to meet this increasing demand. This has resulted in an increase in electrical load that later leads of safety issues in homes. Under such situation, it is imperative for the homeowners to make special arrangements in this regard. Seeking professional’s help is mandatory so that the certified profession can assess your home and determine if the home’s electrical system meets your family needs or not.

The amount of electricity a home needs is measured in amperes usually called amps. An ampere is a total amount of energy that flows through an appliance at a specific given time. According to a research, it was found that in past only 60 amp electrical services were required by the home owners to perform their daily chores. This has increased to hundred amps over the period of ten years. This is because of the new electrical appliances and devices being introduced in the market. When the home owners overburden their circuits, there is a high possibility of tripping a circuit breaker, overheating the wires in the walls and blowing a fuse.



Rewiring & Rerouting

Most room renovations include moving things around. For instance, you may re-conceptualize your entire kitchen and want the counter transferred to the other side of the room. While this may be a more aesthetically pleasing approach, your current electrical system may not be in a position to accommodate the move. Before you know it, you have to pull the counters back off the wall and make the adjustment. So make sure that there are actually wires behind the wall before you move your kitchen components, appliances, or electronics.

Modern Light Switch Features

When it comes to creating the right room atmosphere, lighting is everything. The right light can create energy or give you a soothing environment. Although the right type of light is important, light switches control them. So be sure you install a modern switch that makes controlling the lights easy. For instance, dimmer switches are very popular they allow just the right amount of light. There are many other options including 3-way, 4-way, sliders, different size switches, multi-locations, dimmers, and even remote control lighting. With all the options available, you never have to settle for boring light switches again!

Outlet and Receptacle Considerations

Receptacles and are like any other part of your electrical system. When installed, they must be safe and efficient. You may love the way a certain receptacle looks on your wall. The real question, however, is will it perform the way it’s supposed to. You’ve noticed that high-energy appliances use different receptacles, such as a specialized model for your washer or dryer. The reason for this is that these appliances require large amounts of power and need a certain type of receptacle that can accommodate it. When remodeling, get advice from a professional electrician in order to get the right outlets and light switches for the electronics and appliances in your room. There are several options and many of them come with great decorative features that put the finishing touches on your room.

Panel Upgrades

Today’s modern technology requires much more power than the older models. Although many manufacturers boast of energy efficiency, by comparison, they still utilize more energy. This is because of larger and more feature-packed washers and dryers, refrigerators, microwaves, dishwashers, and media-driven electronics and gadgets. Overall, the average household is using 30%-50% more energy than ever before. When remodeling any room in your home, consider how much energy it will utilize and whether or not your electrical system can handle it in a manner that is safe and efficient.


Powerful Electrical Upgrades

Electrical Upgrades for Your Circuit Breaker

Electrical wiring is not a job for most homeowners to tackle themselves, but it is a good idea to know a little about what will be required to bring your house up to speed when talking with your contractor.

One way to plan a new wiring project is to look in your main circuit breaker. Though some homeowners might be intimidated by their circuit breaker, most should easily be able to find the size of the service, and read the amp rating printed on it. In most cases, 100-amp service provides enough power to handle most loads. A service rated for 60-amps or less may need to be upgraded.

Look for open circuit breaker slots in the main circuit breaker panel. You will need one open slot for each 120-volt circuit that you may plan to install, and two slots for each 240-volt circuit. If your main circuit-breaker panel has no open breaker slots, you will need to have a sub panel installed.

Electrical Inspectors

Remember, all electrical wiring work requires review by your local electrical inspector to make sure the changes conform to local electrical and building codes. Failure to have proper permits and inspections can cause problems that can cost far more time and money than some homeowners (or unscrupulous contractors) may think they can save by doing work “under the table.” You could have trouble reselling your home in the future, or worse, your homeowners insurance could refuse to cover your loss in a house fire because the house was altered illegally!


What’s the Cost to Upgrade Your Electrical Service?

New Wiring: Open Your Walls (and Your Wallet)

To handle increased electrical loads, it’s likely you’ll also need to upgrade electrical wiring, especially if your house is more than 40 years old.

Upgrading your electrical wiring is a big job because the wires are located inside of walls, where they are difficult to get at without opening up walls. The price for a whole-house rewiring job–including opening up walls, running new wires, connecting switches, outlets and fixtures, and then repairing the mess–is $3,500 to $8,000 for an average-sized home.

For a larger home, or a house with restricted access to a crawlspace and exterior walls, the cost may reach $20,000 and more for labor and materials.

Not having enough power isn’t just an inconvenience — voltage drop-offs may actually damage sensitive electronics, so having plenty power is important to electrical home safety.

Even with enough power, you may need additional outlets to avoid relying on a tangle of power strips and extension cords — a potential safety hazard.

The Cost of Upgrading Electrical Service

The standard for household power used to be 60 amps. But modern homes may need as many as 200 amps to run air conditioners, computer equipment, high-definition televisions, and high-tech home automation devices.

The cost of upgrading your existing electrical service panel to a 100- or 200-amp panel is $800 to $3,000.


Home Electrical Upgrade Tips

If your home is 20 – 30 years old or more, there’s a good chance that your electrical system is being strained by the many new devices in use these days. It may be time to have a professional electrician take a look and see if an upgrade is needed.

Should an upgrade of your electrical system be advised, here are some tips to keep in mind.

Electrical re-wiring is not a job for most homeowners to tackle themselves. It’s a good idea, however, to know a little about what is needed before talking with your contractor.

A large electrical wiring project adds a considerable load to your main electrical service. In about 25 percent of all homes, some type of service upgrade is needed before new wiring can be installed. Some homeowners will need to replace an older 60-amp electrical service with a new service rated for 100 amps or more. A licensed electrician is needed for a job like this.

One way to plan a new wiring project is to look at your main circuit breaker. Though some people might be intimidated by their circuit breaker, most should be able to find the size of the service, and read the “amp rating” printed on it. A service rated for 60-amps or less may need to be upgraded. Normally, a 100-amp service provides enough power to handle most loads.

Look for open circuit breaker slots in the main circuit breaker panel. You will need one open slot for each 120-volt circuit that you may plan to install, and two slots for each 240-volt circuit. If your main circuit-breaker panel has no open breaker slots, you will need to have a sub panel installed.

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Outdoor Electrical Lighting Make Your Garden Beautifull In The Night

DIY Outdoor Lighting Tips for Beginners

Run Wire Under Walkways

If you need to run wiring under an existing walkway, try this trick: Dig a small trench on both sides. Next, flatten the end of a piece of rigid metal conduit and use a sledgehammer to drive the conduit, flattened end first, horizontally under the walkway. Then cut off the ends of the conduit with a hacksaw, file off the sharp edges and feed your wire through the conduit. A 10-ft. stick of rigid steel conduit (the thick, heavy-duty stuff) is inexpensive and available at home centers.

Buy the Right Transformer

A ‘low-voltage’ lighting system starts with a transformer plugged into a GFCI-protected receptacle. The transformer’s job is to convert 120-volt household current to 12 volts before sending it through special outdoor cable to light your fixtures. Just a few years ago, you would have needed a 600- to 1,200-watt transformer to light a yard full of halogen lamps. But because LEDs use fewer watts than their halogen predecessors, smaller transformers—45 to 300 watts—are usually all that’s needed.

You Can Keep Your Old Transformer

Any older low-voltage transformer can be used to power both halogen and LED lights—even if they’re mixed on the same circuit—as long as you have enough wattage to spare in your old transformer. If your transformer isn’t big enough to handle the additional load, add a second transformer or upsize your existing one.

Experiment with Clamp Lights

Before you buy anything, make a sketch of your deck or patio on graph paper (or use a program like Sketch-Up) and plan the location for each of your new light fixtures. To get an idea of the effect a fixture will give, pick up a clamp light—the kind with a metal reflector shade—and a few different types of lightbulbs with different brightnesses. Then, when it starts to get dark, try out the clamp light using different bulbs in a few different spots so you can observe their effect. Mark the most desirable locations on your drawing, and pay particular attention to lighting areas like stairs and transitions to different levels for safety.

Skip the Quick Connectors

Some landscape lighting kits have preinstalled quick connectors, but they aren’t what the pros use. Cheap connectors buried underground will work for a while, but they can corrode over time and fail. Cut off the factory-installed connectors and make splice connections using gelfilled wire connectors made specifically for outdoor use.


Tips for Safe Outdoor Lighting

Attach Holiday Lights With Non-Metal Non-Binding Materials

Be careful when you’re attaching temporary lighting strings and ornaments. Don’t use something that might damage the wires, and avoid anything with metal in it. Metal conducts electricity. Plastic cable ties are one popular and inexpensive choice for this task.

Install a Cover for Wet Locations in the Open

If your outdoor receptacle isn’t under a roof or some other protective cover it needs to have a special cover, known as an “in-use” cover, over it. As the name implies, these covers will keep the receptacle​ and the plug that’s in it, dry — even in the rain.

Install a Cover for Damp Locations Under a Roof

If you have an outdoor receptacle that’s on your porch or your screened-in patio or in some other location that’s protected from direct protection, then you can cover it with a “trap door” cover that will close, and keep it protected, when nothing is plugged into it — and it’s OK, then, to plug something into that receptacle and leave it there for a few days. These covers will be marked “Suitable For Damp Locations.”

Install GFCI Protection

GFCI, or Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter, protection is one of the most important electrical safety improvements of the last forty years. GFCI outlets should be installed in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, and even attics, crawl spaces, and unfinished basements. It’s required anywhere you might be plugging something in while you’re grounded. And that certainly includes when you’re standing out in the yard.

Install Weather-Resistant Receptacles

You should always plug temporary outdoor loads into outdoor receptacles, rather than running a cord out through a doorway or window from one of the receptacles inside your house, and those receptacles need to be weather-resistant. Even though they’ll have special outdoor covers over them, the receptacles themselves need to be able to take dampness, freezing, and heat without being damaged. They need to be rated as weather-resistant.


Outdoor lighting: A beginner’s guide

Start with task lighting

Once you’ve figured out your goals for outdoor lighting, task lighting should take priority. “For task lighting, it is important to illuminate pathways and entrances,” says Garcia.

“If your fixture is exposed to the elements, you will want to make sure to get a wet-rated fixture,” she says. “In many instances, a damp-rated light will work with a fully covered porch.”

Just make sure to stick to lighting that’s specifically identified as outdoor lighting—even if you are tempted by a cute indoor sconce.

Bright lights that wash a house or columns not only add drama, but also security, as outdoor lighting can be an enormous deterrent for would-be burglars, Wong explains.

There are loads of options that help boost security, from Wi-Fi-controlled LED light bulbs that can be controlled remotely to motion-sensor lights with distance and size controls.

It’s also important to bear in mind that lighting for security is all about location, primarily the front door, driveway, and garage. “If you are using spot lights/motion sensors, it’s best to position them in a location that does not bother you in the house or your neighbors,” Garcia says. “Install them during the day and adjust them at night to make sure they are not a burden on you or your neighbors.”


tips for effective outdoor lighting

  • Transformers and outdoor circuits. Choosing a starting point for your circuit is an important consideration when creating your plan. The further away a light is from a transformer (and the more lights in between), the dimmer it will be. Don’t overload a circuit with lights, try to keep it to a maximum of 100 watts on each line. Your transformer should be more than adequate to match your needs. Talk to your electrican first, but it’s better to buy one with more output than you need so you can add more later.
  • Less is more. Outdoor lighting is subtle art, used to illuminate paths, highlight trees and plants and for letting you know where a building is. It’s no use lighting up your backyard like a sports game. Use the right lights for the right job; there’s a different outdoor light for almost any feature you care to light up. Use underwater lights for ponds and fountains, small path lights for paths and tree-mounted spotlights (not too bright) for that hint of moonlight.
  • Be safe and aesthetically pleasing. Don’t simply run a lead from your lounge outside to a 4-way adapter and plug in four lamps. Outdoor lighting is designed just for that – outdoors. Electricity does not do well outdoors unless properly channelled, so make sure you’re wiring up your outdoor lighting by the book. Call on an electrician to help you out if need be.
  • Energy saving. Outside lights may seem like an extra expense reserved for the luxurious among us, but the cost can be minimal. Investigate different types of lighting.Solar power is a great resource for outdoor lighting. There are many cheap outdoor lamps with their own solar panels that charge during the day. This will cost you nothing but the initial cost of purchase. Of course, they will need to be placed in a sunny place. LED outdoor lighting uses much less energy than traditional light bulbs, plus they are more hardy, needing fewer replacements. Think about the layout of your garden and what areas require light and where shadows will fall. Making a plan of your garden will let you know exactly what’s needed to get the best out of your garden after-hours. Of course, the best way to save money is by not leaving your lights on all the time. You will only need outdoor lighting on the odd occasion, so keep it special and leave them off most of the time.
  • Long term considerations. Your outdoor lighting will need to handle all types of weather and seasons. When installing your lighting be sure you have a good idea of what changes your garden goes through, what plants will grow rapidly over the next few months, and what effect the lighting will have in each season. Your lighting becomes part of your garden, so treat it as such.


Must-Know Outdoor Lighting Tips

Include These Three Types.

Make sure to incorporate the three basic types of lighting: ambient, task, and accent. Ambient lighting can be achieved through hanging lights, post lights, and wall lights. Task lighting includes pathway lights, plus deck and security lights. And you can get accent outdoor lighting with landscape kits and spotlights. “For a small patio and a modest budget, consider string lights, solar spotlights, or LED candles,” Murphy says.


Before you start shopping, you’ll need to figure out exactly how much lighting you need. “To determine how much light a space requires, try this quick calculation: multiply the square footage of the area you want to light by 1.5 to get a rough estimate of the total wattage required,” he says. “For example, 100 square feet of space would require 150 watts.”

Plan Ahead When Choosing Fixtures.

Observe your space and take measurements so you don’t choose fixtures that are too large-scale. “Check the size and position of a fixture before you buy using a simple piece of paper,” Murphy says. “Use a paper template to determine exact placement to review the size before buying. For either the front porch or the back patio, the size of an outdoor wall light should be approximately one-third the height of the door.” You’ll also want to make sure you’re choosing sturdy lighting, one that’s made of high-quality and weather-resistant materials.

Use LEDs.

“They use far less energy than halogen or incandescent bulbs,” he says. “Plus, they are almost maintenance-free, so you won’t have to change bulbs.”

Take a Look From Inside Your Home.

This can help you decide on which lighting to choose and how place it around your yard. “Consider how patio spaces, gardens, and pathways look like from inside your home,” he says. “Lighting gardens or shrubbery that can be seen from living or dining rooms give a room-expanding view to the outside at night. Think path lighting for garden areas, or use solar outdoor lighting for a quick and easy style update.”

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